I bought The Lightning Thief to read on the flight down, but my three year old didn't sit still long enough for me to get anywhere. (only to fall asleep AFTER the landing... while we were taxiing to our gate!)
My husband and kids have a club called the Knuckleheads, which I am excluded from. They decided to make me an honorary member for the trip. They count off and even have a Knucklehead cheer. My kids have always told me that I can't join because you can only be a member if you like to wrestle. But the real truth came out from David. The main criteria for membership is that you must have exceptionally bad judgment. That disqualifies me. Not saying I have great judgment. But it is better than a three year olds. (Sadly, my husband's isn't.) For example, I would know that it wasn't a good idea to pick up a two year old by her hands and feet and swing her though the air as high as I could. They apparently forgot to mention that in my husband's PhD program at Princeton. So he did it, and dislocated her elbow.
I am excited to be a Knucklehead, though, even if it is just for a week.
Oy. Must pass this story on to my knucklehead...I mean husband.
Have fun at Disney! I'm going in May!
Have fun at Disney -- and I hope you get to read Lightning Thief. It's one of my favorite books!
Congratulations on your acceptance to the Knucklehead Club! Enjoy Disney!
Ooh, which Disney? The World or the Land? I'm so jealous of you right now.
And like Sherrie said, I hope you get around to The Lightning Thief, too, it's fantastic. But don't sacrifice rides for reading time. ;)
Have fun!
Wow! You're the first person I've ever encountered who was excited to be a knucklehead. Congratulations! Hope you knuckleheads have a great time at the Happiest Place on Earth.
OH MY! I would be so embarassed to bring my child to the doctor to have it corrected. ACK!
Have fun at Disney!
Too funny! Congrats on being accepted into the Knuckleheads ... even if only for a brief time! :-) Have a BLAST at Disney!!!!! :-)
HAHA! Knucklehead club!!!
Have fun in Disney :)
Hope you're having a great time in the Magic Kingdom! Disney must be in the air. We're heading to Disneyland on Friday.
Ooooh! Disneyland, the happiest place on earth--animated characters turning into larger than life figures that scare the crap out of your kids. Gotta love it! LOL Have fun.
ha my hubby did that to me little girl when she was 3 too - Nurse's elbow - they had to pop it back in at the ER. Great one hubbies!
Your way of describing your adventures gave me a chuckle this morning! Thank you! I am going to check out the Lightning Thief.
Miss you! Hope you're having a blast!
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