Maybe that's why I've been too exhausted to blog. I even have Guest Posts ready to go and I can't manage to get them up. (Did I mention the tree?) My laziness knows no bounds.
But then, this past weekend, I saw Shrek. Shrek has it all. A nice home. A beautiful, loving supportive wife. Three precious little baby ogres. And you know what? He isn't happy! He misses his carefree days when he didn't have all the responsibility of a family. So, he makes a deal with the devil (Rumpelstiltskin) and he almost loses it all. It is only then that he comes to appreciate what he had.
Not sure my kids even understood the film, but boy... did it hit home with me.
My kids are ADORABLE.
Who else would say, "Mommy, today we are going to a burrito farm." (arboretum?)
OR "Mommy, I have a new system. If I back up when I pee, I don't hit the wall."
Gosh, I love those two!
Take what you can get from Thing 1 and Thing 2, They don't stop being funny and sweet for years but it's just finding the time to step back and actually listen to them. Sounds like you are doing just that!
Kids are adorable, it's us that can be the nightmares.
That's a great lesson, I think I'll have to take my kids to that movie. Kids are awesome and sometimes it takes just taking a step away for a few days to appreciate them.
Totally feel for you on the lice.
WOw I didn't realize Shrek would be rife with morals. I'm taking the kids to see it later this week and I can't wait. I for sure love my crew and will miss these crazy days later in life. *sigh*
Ha! Your kids always manage to crack me up!
Your kids are so cute. :)
And that is definitely a great lesson. Though I'm not a mother, that is still something I need to keep in mind: to appreciate my family and what I do have.
Oh man! Thanks for the peeing tip! I'll have The Boy try that.
I'm glad you had a little ah-ha moment from Shrek. It's so easy to stop appreciating the things we have in our face every stinking day, and love them anyway.
This post is just so full of awesome! You just can't beat kids and the things they say/the love they give.
The other day my son said, "I love you as big as the solar system." I gave him a cookie. :-)
LOL! I love the pee story. That's a classic. It's so true. We complain about the chaos and all we have to do, but it's the chaos that makes life fun. Love it!
OMG, as someone who has cleaned a lot of pee off of a lot of walls, I'd really like your son to send a memo to mine. Hilarious, as always.
Love this! I'm so jealous of the pix of your kids. They always look like they love each other. My ballerinas would rather scratch their eyes out than spend time together.
I'm going to have to watch Shrek. I've never seen any of the Shrek movies. Sounds like I'm missing out.
Oh my goodness, what a great post ... and, those quotes ... priceless!
So true! I keep telling my husband that the time with my kids only gets better and better as they get older.
Too cute!! And, yeah. It's good to be reminded of what life would be like without them . . .
Aw, Corey, this is a sweet post.
And if they don't grow burritos on farms, where DO they come from???
So, what is it about Goldi that is giving you headaches? Plot? Character? Words?
As a fellow picture bookie, I can totally relate.
I like the Shrek movies. Have to see this latest one!
Thanks for sharing about your young ones. Kids and the things they say are priceless!
shrek is so profound :) your kids are awesome. write those lines down so you'll be able to remember them. they are classic
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