Friday, September 24, 2010

Finishing Touches

I bought a plant at Ikea today. Not sure why, since the one plant that I already own is always in a state of near-dead. I guess I just felt the kitchen was missing something. When we bought our house four years ago, we completely renovated it. Everything is brand new... cabinets, appliance, counter-tops, everything! It's gorgeous. But yet, we never put the little finishing touches on it. To give it that warmth. Like a manuscript- when the plot arc is totally in place, but it still needs a little something to make it feel complete.

Gosh is there anything that can't be used as a writing analogy?

Becky and I are are at that point right now in a our new picture book manuscript. We have a draft finished, but we can't agree on how to wrap it up in a way that feels entirely satisfying to the reader. Sometimes it's those little threads that weave through a story and give it that feeling of perfection. A short line that repeats. A minor theme that recurs. We'll get it eventually.

Now, if I can just keep this plant alive.


Amy Allgeyer Cook said...

I'm terrible with plants. I just don't even try anymore. :\ Hopefully, my books are better.

Happy Weekend!

Travis Erwin said...

Like your plant I need water to thrive as a writer. When stuck I take long hot showers until the answer appears in the steam.

Susan R. Mills said...

I have the same problem with house plants. And, no, there isn't anything that can't be used as a writing analogy.

Stephanie Faris said...

I'm always reminded of that line from Stripes, where Bill Murray tells his girlfriend, "You can't leave. All the plants will die!"

I don't think I could write with someone else. You have my utmost respect! I've never been much of a teamwork person!

Tere Kirkland said...

I'm a notorious plant murderer, lol!

"Gosh is there anything that can't be used as a writing analogy?"

Was just thinking this the other day, and no, I don't think there is. ;)

Tamika: said...

I love this analogy:) One thing I struggle with are the little details. If I could afford an interior decorator that would be nice too...Candice Olsen and I would lose my mind:)

Julie Hedlund said...

No, there is nothing that can't be used as a writing analogy. ;-)

Clementine said...

I do better with outdoor plants than with plants inside. My cats don't help, either. After my Maine Coone figured out how to lay in them, I tossed them out. Great analogy!

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

I hope (fingers, eyes and toes crossed) that you didn't buy a ficus. They are so easy to kill.

Good luck with polishing your manuscript. Thanks so much for the encouragement and words of advice the other day Corey!!!!

Rebecca Gomez said...

Unlike plants, stories sometimes get better with a little neglect.

Heidi Willis said...

That's a great analogy! I'm in the same place, both in my manuscript and in my kitchen! We remodeled several years ago and have yet to put the shoe molding on. Bugs the dickens out of me.

I have one plant. It's a cactus. :)

I heard children's author Mem Fox yesterday and thought of you.

Kim said...

hehe...I suck at plants too. When I lived in Hawaii, I was always given beautiful orchids as gifts. Every time I'd get one I'd cringe b/c I knew how much it took for the giver to grow that beautiful plant and within a week or two in my (lack of) care it would be dead.

Christie Wright Wild said...

I think almost everything CAN be used as a writing analogy. Good luck with your plant. I only have five b/c I'm not that great with them. Do you have a second book being published? Seems I read somewhere that you do? Can I interview you for my blog? I started a new monthly feature called HIGH FIVE where I interview picture book authors that have a debut book out.