Sunday, June 14, 2009

Some Thank You's Are In Order

This is my 100th post! (Not counting the 3 or 4 I had to pull down because I offended a few people. What people? Oh, only the 49% of the country who voted for McCain-Palin, for example)

Some writers have more ideas than they know what to do with! I am NOT one of those people. Entire years pass in which I am idea-less. But in the eight months I have been blogging, I have written four solid PBs. This is definitely not a coincidence. I think the act of writing (whether its morning pages, or JOPs, or blog posts) jump starts creativity.

So, thanks to Becky and Tara for convincing me to start a blog! Thanks to MelissaPea (and Tara, once again) for being the blog police and warning me when I have posted content that might get me into trouble. Thanks to Zook Book Nook for the lovely blog award and for saying such nice things about my book! And thanks to all my followers for your wonderful comments and support!


Hardygirl said...


I agree. It's amazing what "forced" writing can do to get you kick-started.


Yat-Yee said...

Congrats, not only for the milestone post, but also for the PBs you've written while blogging.

Many 100s more.

lisa and laura said...

Congrats! Love reading your blog, so here's to another 100 posts!

B.J. Anderson said...

Woo hoo! Go 100th post!

Corey Schwartz said...

Thanks, love all your blogs too!

Anonymous said...

I think you're right. Writing begets writing. Does that make sense? Anyway, you make a great point. You have been much more prolific with the PBs since you started the blog. Keep plowing ahead, and congrats on this milestone.

StaffPicks said...

Double thanks from me because you are the one who first pushed me into blogging. |:~)
Congratulations and thanks.

Tess said...

fun stuff - and, great blog :D

Kelly H-Y said...

Woohooooo ... congrats on 100! Congrats on your PBs too!!! :-) I look forward to seeing them in my hands someday soon!

Anonymous said...

Wow, your 100th post! Congratulations! Let's go out for cake and ice cream!

(Now I'm going back to count my blog. I don't know if I've done 100!)

K said...

Blogging definitely helps me write more and write better! I love your blog, because the content is so real and helps me as a writer and a mother! So here's to Thing 1 and Thing 2!!

Chuck Dilmore said...

that's a beautiful milestone -
c o n g r a t u l a t i o n s !

glad that your pen is on fire...
it's a great feeling!
