Not only did I get an agent, my blog stats are at an all time high., I hit my 10,000th page view. I received several blog awards. Thanks B.J., Susan, and Christy! But best of all, I've been dubbed!
This is quite an honor. I feel like Steve Martin in The Jerk when he discovers his name is in the phone book. I'm somebody. I'm somebody!
LOL! You're somebody and doggonit, people like you! :)
good one beth!
You're wonderful Corey. Got me hooked. doh, the puns...
You must be on Cloud 9, sister. You've had some really great things happen (all well-deserved) and from reading other's blogs it looks like July has been good to a lot of folks! It is fun to watch!
Congratulations! It's so deserved!
Cheers to good news and great months... may there be many, many more ahead!
Congratulations! I just found your blog and I love it. Would love to hear more about how the agent thing goes. I, too, am a picture book author who has published before but is toying with the notion of getting an agent.......hmmm.
Take care!
Hey, we knew that anyway!! Well done. Lovely when good things happen...x
Cool Corey. I always knew you were somebody. :-)
Hee! We'll be famous by association! We love being famous by association.
Yay! 10,000 is a lot of page views. Keep 'em coming!
You guys are all SO sweet! Cheers! :)
Awesome!!!! Congrats ... what a great couple weeks you've been having!!! Well-deserved ... we already knew you were somebody!!! :-)
Congrats! All very exciting news. Bravo.
Heck, getting an agent is all you needed to say for me to be convinced. Congrats! I'm new here, so still learning everybody.
just plain proud! way to go CDR!!!
Yippee yahoo, Corey, congrats on landing an agent. Your hard work is paying off. It must feel grrrreat!
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