Friday, January 6, 2012

One Word

2011,  I can't say I am sorry to see you go!   You were a sucky year career-wise, filled with a lot of frustration and  disappointment.  You took all the joy out of the publication process for me.

But 2012 is going to be different.  I can feel it.  If I have to pick one word to encapsulate my vision for 2012 it is PSYCHED.

I am feeling very optimistic about 2012 sales and super pumped up about my upcoming Fall release!

For a sneak peek at THE THREE NINJA PIGS and several other amazing 2012 picture books, check out this trailer:

2012, the adventure begins!!!


Catherine Denton said...

I know it's silly, but I love even years. It's not that I believe in luck or anything...I just like even. So I too am looking forward to the adventure of 2012!
Catherine Denton

Joanne R. Fritz said...

Aw, Corey! Sorry it was a sucky year for you. Glad you're psyched now. You SHOULD be with a book coming out this year! Love the trailer. YOUR BOOK LOOKS FANTASTIC! Yay!

I would be thrilled to have a book contract this year.

Mother Hen said...

Sounds like 2012 is starting off well. Have a great one.

Rebecca Gomez said...

When our latest collaboration sells, perhaps you will look back and see 2011 a little differently.

storyqueen said...

Are those the coolest ninja pigs in the world or what??? OMG! I want to get my hands on it right now!!

Do you know the release date, yet?

And for the record, I am kind of glad 2011 is over, too. Stressful year, full of too much change.

Take care,


Myrna Foster said...

It's going to be a better year. Your ninja pigs are awesome, especially the girlie one. :o)

Tiffany Strelitz Haber said...

Bring on 2012!! Love you!!

Kim said...

COREY!!! The trailer is awesome! The illustrations kick butt!! I'm so excited for you. And to get my hands on this book. LB has lots of boy friends that we could give copies to for birthdays. I just wish the book was out already!!!

Wishing you a happy and healthy New Year!!

Shannon O'Donnell said...

I hope 2012 rocks your socks off, Corey! And I hope under-appreciated masterpieces get the accolades they deserve! ;)

Anonymous said...

Have a wonderfully fantastic 2012!

Susanna Leonard Hill said...

I'm with you, Corey! Ready to embrace 2012 and hoping that career-wise it will be better than 2011! Love the trailer and can't wait for the book :)

Hardygirl said...

Three Ninja Pigs is going to be beyond AWESOME!!!! Love it!

And 2012 is going to be THE year. I can feel it!!!


Unknown said...

I cannot agree enough with this post. 2011 was rough. But 2012 is shaping up to be a mighty fine year. :)

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

Sorry 2011 was such a rough year for you. :( I know you are going to have a great year this year...full of book launches and signing. :)

Your illustrations look super!

Happy New Year, Corey!

Julie Hedlund said...

One word - AWESOME!

Rick Starkey said...

Loved the trailer! Congrats on Three Ninja Pigs coming out soon.