Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Get a Friend to Blog Day

I had so much to do today. Prepare a slide presentation for an upcoming school visit. Plan my daughter's birthday party. Polish up manuscripts to submit to a conference. Critique two YA submissions for my Friday writing group. I felt totally overwhelmed. So what did I do? I ignored my own New Year's advice and took a nap! D'oh!

I am so annoyed at myself right now! It's time to go pick up the kids and I have accomplished nothing. One day closer to all my deadlines and I have nothing so show for my five hours of freedom. (Hope my husband is not reading this!). Of course I didn't nap for the whole five hours. I read blogs and left comments. I went to Starbucks because my stock of Frappuccinos was getting low. I even folded one load of laundry while talking on the phone to a friend. (That's about the extent of my multi-tasking ability).

UGHHHH! In an effort to salvage the day, I am declaring it National "Get a Friend to Blog" Day. Convince one friend that blogging is a fun and rewarding endeavor and completely worth the time and it will be a day well-spent. MelissaPEA, I am talking to you!


Sherrie Petersen said...

Some days are more productive than others. And some days you really do need to just rest. Don't be too hard on yourself :^)

PJ Hoover said...

OK, I admit it. I took a nap today also. As long as it's not the norm, I'm OK with it. And now you can stay up later, right?

Corey Schwartz said...


I know... and I feel so good about it! That's what gave me the idea :)


Anonymous said...

The pressure, the pressure. I'll see what I can do, but not until after the kids are asleep. Maybe something about dissecting frogs. And it does relate to writing; I'm serious.

Hardygirl said...

Gotta take those personal days. Besides, I always work better when I'm under the gun. Don't sweat it. It's great to have so many writer things on your plate, yes?

I can't sign up another blogger because I don't have time to read one more! Yaaaah!


Kelly H-Y said...

Oh, that is too funny! I think we've all done that! I've been so tired before, that I've actually fallen asleep with my head on the back of my chair (the one at my desk!)! I can't even sleep at night in my own comfortable bed ... I don't even know how I fell asleep on the chair! Easier to do, though, when you're working from home versus working in an office! :-)

Katie Anderson said...

I hate those days where 5 hours goes by and I have blogged and talked on the phone. D'oh!

I used to nap when I had little chickens, but now they are big and in school all day - so I waste time in other ways. But a nap is PRICELESS!

PurpleClover said...

I rarely get to nap. My kids go down roughly at the same time but by the time I crawl into my big comfy bed, I'll get a fifteen minute power-nap-my-ass and then I'm grouchy the rest of the day. :) So I avoid naps like the plague.

But when that quarterly two hour nap comes around, OMG sweet heaven. I am renewed!

Tyler said...

Instead of regretting napping, think of it as a solid recharge of those batteries, so you can maximize your efficiency the rest of the day!

In honor of your ridiculously hectic schedule, I will step it up and try to get TWO people started blogging today!

Corey Schwartz said...

Ha! Thanks, Tyler. I get credit for Paul, but he started BEFORE this post went up, so I can't count him.