Sunday, January 4, 2009

Off and Running in '09

Only 17 and a half more hours before school resumes! Yippee!

Once I get my mischief makers out of the house, I will be able to focus more clearly on my goals and resolutions for '09. In the meantime, here are a few short-term plans for this week.
  • I plan to do Becky's JOP exercise again. For those of who haven't tried this week's yet, head on over to Becky's site and give it a go.
  • I'll be giving away a signed copy of The HICCUPotamus by Aaron Zenz. Come back soon for details on how to win this whimsical picture book.
  • I am hosting my first guest blogger. My talented friend, Melissa, will be posting on how to self-edit your picture book manuscript. (another reason to return to my blog)
Oh, and did I mention, it's my birthday Thursday? Not a big one, but still an excuse to go out and order a bottle of wine.

My kids just stopped by my computer to inform me, "We are doing something naughty." Uh-oh! 17 hours and 25 minutes, and counting....


Laura - Are We Nearly There Yet Mummy? said...

Happy Birthday for Thursday!

I hope they haven't been upto something too naughty. I think my two are sick of the sight of each other now.

PS - Your comment made me laugh about the word 'rubbish'!

BookChook said...

I hope Thursday is a wonderful day for you.

Anonymous said...

Hope you have a Happy Birthday on Thursday!

I'll be returning later for the interview . . .

Rebecca Gomez said...

Happy early Birthday, Corey! You have my permission to kick me if I forget on the actual day.


Anonymous said...

Hey, happy birthday! I'm excited for the Aaron Zenz giveaway! I have a signed book to give away soon... ;-)

Sherrie Petersen said...

Hope you have a good birthday. Every birthday is a big one, especially when you're a grown up :)

Karen said...

Happy Birthday!!!! And have a wonderful '09!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Corey!