Okay, if my son ever grows up and decides to read his mom's old blog posts, he is going to get a complex. My precious girl has had more than her fair share of mentions. And, we all know how siblings keep track. So, here is a little round up of Thing 2 quotes on the subject of sibling feelings:
After Jordan flawlessly read a picture book to all of us at bedtime, "Terrible, Jordan. Terrible."
DAVID: (kidding around) Joshy, who do you like better, Mommy or Daddy?
JOSHY: Well, first of all, of course, I like myself best. Second, I pick... Jawden.
Josh's teacher overheard him in the hall saying to one of his buddies, "Sometimes, I need a bweak from my sister. I wish I had a bwother."
After Jordan cracked an egg for French Toast, "Terrible, Jordan. You're terrible at cracking eggs. " (Getting the picture here? :)
In bed one night, out of the blue, "Sometimes I hate Jordan and her stupid mustache."
ME: Where did Jordan get a mustache?
JOSH: From Sophie's dad.
Boy, you can't make this stuff up!
Becky and I are struggling to capture these conflicting emotions of sibling love/worship/hate/envy in our picture book, Rescuing Mae. Tomorrow I meet her to work on draft #37. Wish us luck.
Good luck! You know, 37 is the charm, I always say.
Love the title, by the way.
I thought it was draft #38. :-D
LOL My kids get that way with pictures.
I left you an award at my blog today. :0)
37, 38, 00: what's the diff?
Oh siblings. I think it's harder when there are only two of them, the sense of rivalry is sky high.
Oh, yesterday my 4 year old son told my 7 year old daughter that I loved him to infinity and beyond. BUt only loved her to 20. She laughed knowing he was full of it. I can't keep up with their sibling rivalry!!
Lots of luck on the next draft!!
Oh, Jennifer that is HILARIOUS!!!
Aw! Adorable! My nephew totally looks up to his big sister. He always wants to know what she thinks and waits while she rants for twenty minutes on a soap box because he thinks she is so smart. Hilarious.
Good luck!
What a doll your son is! I never get tired of hearing the things that come out of kids' mouths!
37. You don't realize how much you've made my day. :)
Adorable! I love the honesty of the love/hate/worship/envy.
Good luck with the book!
This is too familiar!
LOL! Very cute!
Good luck in revising!!! :-D
Ah Draft 37. Always where it comes together, don't you think?
Goodness, I just love kid quotes! My Xmas card each year is made up of the kids funniest quotes of the year, and is so much fun to put together. He's adorable. Good luck, by the way, on draft #37 ... I usually lose track around #7! :-) Love the title, by the way.
Wonderful, Corey. Wonderful."
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