Dr. Seuss was right. "... a most useless place, The Waiting Place...Waiting for... the mail to come, or the rain to go, or the phone to ring, or the snow to snow, or waiting around for a Yes or No, [or waiting around for an e-mail to show]. Everyone is just waiting."
If you look at the book, Seuss goes on to say "Waiting for the fish to bite or waiting for wind to fly a kite or waiting around for Friday night or waiting, perhaps, for their Uncle Jake or a pot to boil, or a Better Break or a string of pearls, or a pair of pants or a wig with curls, or Another Chance."
Kind of makes you want to write your own, huh?
Waiting around for your garden to bloom, or waiting in line for the little girls room. Waiting your turn to go up to bat, or waiting for Mom to read Cat in the Hat. Waiting all year till your birthday is here, or till June when school's out and your classmates all cheer...
This is fun. I could go on all day!
But what I am really waiting for is for my agent to call with news!!!
Corey, you've managed to make me smile about waiting! :-)
I hope the news you get is great and that she doesn't call too late. I must say when I have to wait, I really hate, hate, hate, hate, hate
It. :) And that, my friends, is why I write middle grade.
waiting, schmaiting.
that is my profound commentary on this subject!
Oh gosh, we're ALL waiting aren't we? It seems in this business there is always something to wait for. Although, I guess NOT waiting might be even worse...
so true! NOT waiting is the pits!! the actual, factual pits! suddenly "waiting" is sounding faboo!
Corey--When one thing happens you just start waiting for the next, so don't stress so much. :) It will all turn out good...
Dr Seuss was one smart cookie.
Hate the waiting bit, too.
Right now I am waiting for my butt to get out of the chair and take on the tasks of the day, which involve lots of hideous cleaning types of jobs. Yuck.
Butt is not budging. Can't say I blame it.
Good wishes for good news, soon!!
Hi Corey, I hope you get the good news you are waiting on real soon!
ack! waiting means patience. I don't have patience. I suck at waiting. Hope you hear good news SOON!
Oooo!!! I hope she calls soon!
I'm not a great waiter, I like things now-
I'm not a great waiter, and this is how-
I wait for my waiting,
I shout, 'hurry up, I want it now"
I hope you don't have to wait too long for your news.
I love it! And yes, it does make me want to try it as well.
Sending you positive agent phone call vibes!
Great post! I'm going through the same thing. Like Tom Petty sings, the waiting is the hardest part.
Hope you get good news soon!
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