Monday, October 26, 2009

This Post is Cancelled (Again!)

For days now I have tried unsuccessfully to get a post up. Type, delete. Type. Delete. Type, type. DELETE.

Why am I having such trouble blogging?

Is it too much caffeine? Doubt it. I am sticking to my daily 3-Frap-a-day regimen.

Is it because I started working out and I have sudden new-found energy? Could be... but wouldn't that make me post more instead of less?

Is it because I am harboring many secrets? I would have to go with this as my best guess.

This week, I somehow found myself privy to all sorts of information I am not allowed to share. This SUCKS. I have never been good at keeping secrets. If you are ever making a surprise party for someone I know, do NOT tell me. I will slip.

So, hurry up. Contracts, get signed! I want to get back in the blogging saddle.


Kristi Faith said...

You know, if I didn't know better, I would think you were my other half. LOL I constantly type, delete, type, delete. Although-the opposite for me has been that blogging has helped me open up the channels of writing...a schedule so to speak. Anyway-I'm rambling...Good Luck on your secrets.

Tricia J. O'Brien said...

Oooooo, secrets. Do tell! ;)

Sometimes we overthink. You have a natural flow to your writing and a great sense of humor, so just let it rip.

Sherrie Petersen said...

Sounds exciting...tell me! I can keep your secret ;)

Amy Allgeyer Cook said...

Oooo....exciting news to come?

Susan R. Mills said...

Can't wait to hear your secrets, you devil! How dare you tease us that way!

Linda said...

No fair! Now we know there's a secret but have to wait. Clearly it's good news, though, so that makes it easier to be patient.

Deb Markanton said...

Even though you canceled the post, some very interesting info came through. Did you know that? ;)

Tana said...

Oh share, share!!! I can't wait to be in the know...

Tamika: said...

Corey if you can't trust your blogging buddies, who can you trust? *Fine*

When you decide to crack the silence, we'll be here.

Anonymous said...

I am holding secrets as well and it's killing me! You know I spilled a few of them already. I couldn't contain my excitement.

Casey Something said...


storyqueen said...

This sounds ominously wonderful.....

lisa and laura said...

Hmm...secrets. Yeah, we dig. Hurry up publishing!!!

Anonymous said...

If you need to spill a new secret, tell me. I can provide two references who will vouch for my unflinching ability to keep the world's juiciest secret ever.

MG Higgins said...

Hmmm. Something exciting is up and how frustrating that you can't share. Boo.

Corey Schwartz said...

Sorry, can't divulge names... but I know at least three, or four, writers who are getting contracts soon!

Tess said...

Contracts? hooray!

Ame Dyckman said...

Aw, c'mon? Give us a hint? Huh? Just one teeny, weeny hint? PUL-EEZE? I'll give you my Snack-Pack! It's chocolate...

Kim said...

hehe..I love surprises and secrets, but if it's REALLY good I can't wait either. Last week, I bought DH the PERFECT gift for his birthday (in Feb) and gave it to him that night. I was just too excited. I suck too!

Can't wait to hear all this good news you're holding in, though.

Corey Schwartz said...

Oh, Kim, that is so cute :)

Hardygirl said...

I can't wait until you can spill 'em! Good news is something that I'd love to hear right now!!!!
