Inside were four tiny newborn mice! (Maybe five... I didn't stick around long enough to get a good count)
I ran off screaming.
My kids stared in complete fascination. They tried to guess how old the mice were. A few days? A few hours? Their eyes were not even open yet.
We discussed what to do with the babies.
I was not about to go anywhere near the little guys, so we waited for David to come home and we agreed that he would fold the chair back up and put it exactly where we had found it.
Yup. Dumb and dumber here. We're supposed to get mice out of our homes, not bring them in.
But I was worried the mom wouldn't be able to find her babies to nurse them.
I may be a plant murderer. But I cannot have a whole family of mammals on my conscience.
Ok, but here's a question for you. When they're in your walls and pooping everywhere will you set mouse traps? Granted, I'd likely have done the same thing.
Too funny! My hubby would have probably tossed them into the gutter. I couldn't kill babies, though. Not even mouse babies.
EEEEEWWWWW GROOOOSSSS! No way! I once found a nest of newborn mice in a trashcan in my garage and I carried the dang thing across the street and dumped them in the ditch. You are a better person than I am. That's all I have to say.
At least you didn't step on a dead mouse that your cat had left on the back deck like I did the other day. Talk about running away screaming!!
I think I would have done the same thing as you - fold the chair back up and let mama mouse deal with it. They're babies, after all. ;-)
this would only happen to you!!!! i love it!!!
I totally agree with Jeannette. I absolutely couldn't kill babies, especially without their mother, who'd come home all worried and full of milk; but the second those things are in my house crawling around looking for food...SNAP!
Oh the inhumanity of it all...
I hope they don't wind up in your house. If it was me, it would give me the willeys to know they were there.
haha...this had me cracking up. Sorry for the shock, but I think you did the right thing. Or, at least, what I would have done. Let the hubby take care of the dirty work once the kiddos are all tucked in. Then no one is all upset.
Oh, Corey! I don't know what I would have done...Screamed for sure...I don't think I could hurt them either, but I don't think I could ever go in the garage again...or sleep...(I hope I'm not freaking you out!)
Oh I would have done the same thing for sure. Now spiders and all bets would be off. Babies or not those suckers would have gotten torched. But baby mice I wouldn't have been able to kill.
Yuck! And BTW, you're much nicer than I am!!
Oh wow! I think I would have been too freaked out to move the chair back. I would have ran! Maybe the bear will come back and rescue them.
ahhh - a flashback to my rat story - thanks for the momories :)
EEeekk!! We found a dead, mummified mouse skeleton with little tufts of fur in a box of Halloween decorations last year.
Nope--although I was tempted, I did not use him as part of our decor.
Too funny! We have a cat, so he would have had his own solution to the mouse problem :)
Eeek! I can understand...I think I probably would take that chair outside, though. Leave it in the back yard or something. Those cute baby mice will grow up to be big mama mice of their own...
I think I would immediately develop a phobia of sitting down on anything that came from the garage! YIKES!
Oh my goodness ... you are too funny!
LOL! I have to follow your posts now that I've read this.
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